Drugs Used To Manage Opioid Addiction

Posted on: 24 November 2020

Opioid addiction is a serious epidemic; however, there are effective treatment options that can help you overcome your struggles with prescription narcotic pain relievers. In addition to counseling and support group interaction, opioid addiction treatment center physicians often prescribe the following medications to help relieve both the physical and psychological pain of opioid withdrawal.  Methadone Methadone is commonly prescribed to those addicted to opioid medication. While methadone can be used as a standalone treatment, it is generally used in combination with behavioral therapy and medical monitoring. [Read More]

Why in-Person Doctors Visits Are Still Important for Seniors During COVID-19

Posted on: 24 September 2020

COVID-19 has impacted the medical world in a myriad of ways, many of which are unexpected. For example, doctors are finding that more of their senior patients are avoiding in-person visits or entirely avoiding checkups. This step is a huge mistake, because it may set them up for real health troubles that in-person visits could spot or treat more effectively. In-Person Doctor Visits are Still Important in COVID-19 Though there is much that video or online visits can catch in a senior patient during the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person doctor visits are still critical. [Read More]

How Medical Scribes Handle A Doctor's Covid-19 Confusion

Posted on: 24 September 2020

Covid-19 is a dangerous disease that causes such a wide range of symptoms in so many people that it is critical to keep their information right during treatment. However, overworked doctors may make mistakes if they aren't careful with their paperwork and cause a lot of concerns. As a result, it is necessary for those in this situation to at least consider medical scribe experts. The Dangers of Covid Confusion [Read More]

When Do People See Radiologists?

Posted on: 21 August 2020

Radiologists are doctors that use radiology and related technology such as X-Rays, MRIs, CT scans, and other technology to take images of the inside of your body. They do this in order to diagnose and analyze any issues you may have. People see radiologists when they enter the emergency room, during both preventative and ongoing cancer screenings, and during radiation therapy. In The Emergency Room One of the most common ways that people interact with radiology services is when they enter the emergency room after an accident. [Read More]