3 Top Reasons Why It's Advisable To Invest In Holistic Health Care

Posted on: 27 September 2022

Your health is crucial and should be a priority to ensure you live a long life. Unfortunately, you may get sick or get involved in situations that affect your health, like accidents. For example, you may get into an accident sustaining a fracture. This may alter your physical, mental, emotional, and social state. In such a case, you will need a health treatment approach that will address the issue in a multidimensional aspect, like holistic health care. [Read More]

Chiropractors Can Help Injured Basketball Players Recover

Posted on: 25 August 2022

Basketball is a challenging sport because it requires strength and coordination in many parts of the body. For example, players need a strong back that can keep them stable while they run and make shooting easier. When a basketball player experiences a back-related injury, it may be necessary to work with a chiropractor to ensure that they get back into the sport ASAP. Ways Chiropractors Help Basketball Players Chiropractors with sports training may provide unique and specialized care for basketball players. [Read More]

Can Women Use PRP Hair Restoration?

Posted on: 22 July 2022

While hair restoration is most commonly associated with men who experience hair loss, there are many women who also begin to lose hair with age. In fact, PRP hair restoration could be a good option for you as well. If you are a woman who has experienced hair loss, here's what you need to know about PRP hair restoration. Here's How PRP Hair Restoration Works PRP hair restoration is a treatment that uses your own blood to encourage hair growth. [Read More]

COVID-19 And Testing Options

Posted on: 22 June 2022

COVID-19 became a widespread and dangerous virus in the United States in the last couple of years. Since then, scientists have had to study and come up with ways to test for the COVID-19 virus accurately. COVID-19 is serious—if you have symptoms, take a COVID-19 test as soon as possible.  What Is COVID-19? COVID-19 is in the coronavirus family. COVID-19 is highly dangerous and contractable if proper precautions are not taken (e. [Read More]